

次の( )内から適する前置詞選んでください。

(1) We have to get this room ready (by, till, to) seven in the evening.

(2) Does his father work (for, in, on, at) the farm?

(3) I was disappointed (to, at, for) the test results.

(4) Your bag is a little different (of, from, for) hers, isn't it?

(5) Margaret was very beautiful (with, for, in) the wedding dress.

次の英文が同じ内容を表すように( )に適する語を入れてください。

(1) He didn't seem to know the risk very much.

   He didn't seem to be ( )( ) the risk very much.

(2) Paul talks nothing about the case.

   Paul talks nothing ( )( ) the case.

(3) My boss will reject the plan because of financial difficulty.

   My boss will turn ( ) the plan because of financial difficulty.


(1) そのバスには座れる席がなかった。

   (seats, were, no, the bus, there, on, in, to sit).

(2) この道はどこへ行くと思いますか。

   (think, leads, where, to, you, this road, do)?

(3) その男性は年のわりに老けて見えました。

   (his age, looked, the man, old, for).
