

次の( )内に最も適する接続詞を下から選んでください。

(1) She won't marry me ( ) I can get a job.

(2) The sound quality isn't so bad ( ) it is cheap.

(3) A whale is not a fish ( ) a mammal.

(4) Work harder, ( ) you will be well rewarded some day.

(5) ( ) the kitty was very pretty, my daughter brought it home.

   (becuase, if, and, but, or, unless, for, as, that, until)


(1) Has your groundmother been dead for twenty years?

   Is it         ?

(2) On running into a big bear, I pretended to be dead.

   As soon as        , I pretended to be dead.

(3) Some of my friends waited in line in front of the shop to get the new product.

   Some of my friends waited in line in front of the shop so that        .


(1) 私たちが知る限り、この島には毒蛇はいません。

   (know, are, as, no, there, so, poisonous snakes, far, we) in this island.

(2) 担任の先生は教室に入るやいなやテスト用紙を配り始めた。

   (our teacher, than, the classroom, had, passed, into, hardly, come, he, out) the test papers.
