




副詞句が文頭にくると、後にくる S+V が、 V+S の語順になることがあります。

The chance came out of the blue.

副詞句となる out of the blue が文頭にくると次のようになります。

Out of the blue came the chance.


否定語句が文頭にくると、後にくる S+V が V+S の語順になります。

He had no sooner entered the store than a burglar broke in.
そして、否定語句の no sooner が文頭に来ると次のようになります。
No sooner had he entered the store than a burglar broke in.

◆英文が一般動詞を含む現在形や過去形の場合は do, does, did がそれぞれ主語の前にきます。

Little did I dream that my beloved pet would die suddenly.


目的語や補語が文頭にくると、後にくる S+V が V+S の語順になることがあります。目的語が文頭に来る場合、それに否定語が付けばV+S に倒置されます。

The man did not say a single word.
Not a single word did the man say.

Oceans of money Mr.Kaneda earned from share sales last year ,and he donated all of it to a charitable organization.

※ oceans of money という目的語が文頭に出ていますが、この場合はその後の S+V の部分に倒置はおきません。

oceans of money 大金  share sales 株式売買  charitable organization 慈善団体

The young man is so greedy that I don't want to be friends with him.

補語となる so greedy が文頭にくると次のようになります。
So greedy is the young man, that I don't want to be friends with him.

the young man が代名詞の he であれば順番は変わりません。

So greedy he is, that I don't want to be friends with him.


◆仮定法で if が省略される場合にも V+S の語順になります。

If I were rich, I would go on a trip to a variety of countries every month.
Were I rich, I would go on a trip to a variety of countries every month.

a variety of いろいろな

If you had been born a woman, I might have married you.
Had you been born a woman, I might have married you.

※仮定法過去完了では had が主語の前にきます。

there, here を使った場合

◆場所を表す意味ではない there、 here が文頭に使われる場合、その後の S+V が倒置されることがあります。

Look! There goes a UFO!

Here comes a person with a stern face!

with a stern face 怖い顔をした


Here she comes!


◆ so や such が文頭に使われる場合、その後の S+V が倒置されます。

I hear Masaru is a graduate of Harvard University. So am I.

His story was so funny that no one could stop laughing.
So funny was his story that no one could stop laughing.

Her sorrow was such that we tried to cheer her up..
Such was her sorrow that we tried to cheer her up.

Such is life.


Was that ever a thrilling moment!